
Parts of Me… Introduction into Trauma, Emotional “Parts” & Structural Dissociation

Parts of Me… Introduction into Trauma, Emotional “Parts” & Structural Dissociation

Trauma is the physiological and psychological response to deeply disturbing or distressing events that overwhelm our ability to cope, leading to profound feelings of helplessness and hopelessness protecting ourselves (or others we care about like parents or siblings) when faced with real (or perceived) threats.

When left untreated, patterns of disturbance which are experienced for more than 1 month after a traumatic event has occurred, and cause significant disruption in social and occupational areas of one’s life often become what is known as Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).

Porn Addiction: Men’s Silent Epidemic

Porn Addiction: Men’s Silent Epidemic

But porn addiction has slowly become a silent epidemic for millions of boys and men. “Porn sickness” [1] a term coined to describe an imbalance in a person pornography use and the impact it has on their daily life function. This imbalance tends to cause problems in their social and romantic relationships, issues with sexual performance and decreased sexual satisfaction, and lower self-esteem.

Recovery Month: Risks to Recovering Addicts During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Recovery Month: Risks to Recovering Addicts During the COVID-19 Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic has posed significant challenges to addicts in recovery. Not only have recovering addicts who have long-term sobriety are at risk, but has been especially strenuous for those who have recently decided to take a leap of faith transitioning from active addiction into unfamiliar world of addiction recovery.